Poem – The Cool on the Wind

I dug up a poem I wrote a few years ago—my first year in undergrad. It felt right to pair it with this image I took almost a year later, on July 4th, even though the images of the poem have nothing to do with the events of that day.

The cool on the wind and the flick of the flag,
The light in the air, and the night to be had;
What street-lamps do sprawl upon half-busy streets:
A walk to be taken, a person to meet.

How young are we now,
How bold are we now,
And wandering out through the night:
And when comes the dawn,
And when day rises long,
I fear you will pass out of sight.

The cool on the wind,
And the flick of the flag,
The street-lamps,
The sidewalk,
The night

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