Category: Art

  • Winged Summer – Poem

    Winged Summer – Poem

    Digging through old poems again, I found this one I wrote about five years ago. Decided to pair it with a photo from a year or two before, from summer vacation in France. Winged summer, come to take me awayIn angelic grip, in cloudless swoop above the fieldsWhether in a night or in a day,…

  • Poem – The Cool on the Wind

    Poem – The Cool on the Wind

    I dug up a poem I wrote a few years ago—my first year in undergrad. It felt right to pair it with this image I took almost a year later, on July 4th, even though the images of the poem have nothing to do with the events of that day. The cool on the wind…

  • Clouds


    And feather canyons everywhere… Joni Mitchell I’ve noticed going through my photos I take a lot of photos of clouds. I think there’s something so beautiful and ephemeral about them. When I’m out on my bike or walking, I often find myself staring up at cloud structures—they can be so pretty. I was skimming through…

  • Umbrellas


    Going through my old photos, I found a couple from trips to Europe featuring strangers with umbrellas: First a woman at Stonehenge, then a woman and a little girl at the Roman forum, both on sunny days. I don’t often photograph people, but I think the bright, manufactured, fabric domes caught my eye, especially in…